Jared's Epic Website

The beginning

In the beginning, Jared created Junha, aka the father. Junha attempted to create a clone of himself, but it failed, and he accidentally made Ian. Then Junha, after many research created Liam, the first successful clone and first disciple, in his image. Later that very same day, he created literally everyone else and they lived happily for maybe a couple days.

The creation of sin

But then, when everything was going well, Naveed Arang, who was created by Junha himself, created the n-word. Junha did not approve of Naveed's actions:

"Give me number of the CEO of racism and you'll find Naveed's number right there."

Luckily, Andrew, the holy ghost, helped by creating the n-word without a hard r.

However, everything went downhill from there. Lexi, the first false prophet, betrayed Junha by falsely claiming that she was not Junha. As we all know, she obviously is Junha and was trying to undermine the truth. Luckily, she eventually realized this and has since converted. She now worships every day.

But this wasn't the end of the false prophets. Soon after, Blake decided that he was allergic to Junha. He will actually implode if he eats Junha. This angered Junha, so he decided to throw Blake off of a mountain.